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Kolesnichenko Aleksey
A specialist in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine and traditional Slavic medicine; dermatovenerologist, immunologist, clinical care director of the “Samhita” Vedic centre, Ukraine; cofounder of the Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.  
In his childhood, Kolesnichenko spent a lot of time in clinics, he used to ill often, therefore, he wanted to become a good doctor to help people struggle with diseases. 
After graduating magna cum laude from school, he got into a medical university with desire to get “knowledge” about a human. As far as he acquired more knowledge, new horizons appeared, studies were interesting and fascinating; after completion of the course, Kolesnichenko began to practice dermatovenerology. 
Soon after, he got the second education with the qualification of “Finances”, got ready to manage a clinic, when he remembered that in childhood, he wanted to help ill people, not to be an executive. Therefore, Kolesnichenko with pleasure began to practice again. 
When he worked as a doctor at a clinic of western vintage, he started to realize that there is a variety of states of organism which, unfortunately, cannot be explained by the modern medicine. Having got excited with pursuing answers, Kolesnichenko began to increase his knowledge in both western and oriental medicine. 
2006, 2009 – studies and internship on the base of the “Calendula” Ayurvedic clinic, Hungary;
2008-2010 – Job at the Alternative Medicine department of the Donetsk National Medical University;
2009, 2013 – took courses of Marma Vidya from Dr I. Vetrov – 1,2 degrees; signaturology and palmistry;
2009 – studies and internship on the base of the “Rasayana” clinic, Kiev;
Over a period of 2007-2014, he learnt and put into practice a variety of courses on the western medicine: immunology, psychology, cosmetology, sexopathology, reproductive endocrinology, sinology.
Kolesnichenko is a founder and organizer of 5 international research-to-practice conferences in Ukraine dedicated to development, symbiosis and adaptation of western and oriental medicine in the modern world aimed to increase the quality and level of aid to distressed.
Articles and news 1
Archive events 5
21 - 24 June 2019 12:00 - 17:00
Festival «Solstice in national traditions»
21 - 29 June 2019 8:00 - 20:00
Ārsta Koļesņičenko konsultācijas
25 September - 13 October 2018 18:30 - 20:30
Dr. Kolesničenko slimību ārstēšana Ajūrvēdā
30 April - 14 May 2016 15:00
Ārsta Kolesņičenko lekciju cikls par veselību
26 April - 13 May 2016 18:30
Padziļinātas zināšanas par ajurvēdu no ārsta Koļesņičenko